Monday, July 11, 2011

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This is another one of those books that I have seen around for so long and have witnessed kids get super excited about them, but I haven't made the time to read them yet. After reading this first one, though, I can see why they're so popular. This book is written in a diary style (obviously) and incoporates narrative and drawings into the story's plot. Greg, a slightly nerdy sixth grader wants desperately to be cool and normal, but keeps getting put into situations where he is seen as anything but. Between his awkward parents, mean big brother, annoying little brother, and socially inept best friend, Greg epitomizes the sixth grade experience that so many middle schoolers are either experiencing, afraid of experiencing, or have already experienced. Hilarious and unpredictable, you can't help but cringe and shake your head as you see this poor child's first semester of middle school take place. The fact that a lot of the book is made up of pictures also helps you breeze right through it quickly, despite your reading level. Struggling readers would also find comfort in the pictures, as they do a great job of explaining what the text describes. I highly recommend this book, and can't wait to read the other ones. (A quick note: I categorized this book as a graphic novel, even though it technically isn't; it's about as close to a graphic novel as you can get, though, so there it is.)

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