Sunday, December 26, 2010

Historical Fiction Challenge Books

I wanted to get a jumpstart on this Historical Fiction Challenge by beginning my list for this year. I'm sure it will change and I'll add to it as I think of more, but these are my candidates so far:

1. The Boy Who Dared - Susan Campbell Bartoletti
2. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Mildred Taylor
3. Out of the Dust - Karen Hesse
4. Night - Elie Wiesel
5. Maus I - Art Spiegelman
6. Maus II - Art Spiegelman
7. Number the Stars - Lois Lowry
8. Newes from the Dead - Mary Hooper
9. Sarah's Key - Tatiana de Rosnay
10. Stepping on the Cracks - Mary Downing Hahn
11. Chains - Laurie Halse Anderson
12. Caddie Woodlawn - Carol Ryrie Brink
13. What I Saw and How I Lied - Judy Blundell
14. Redeeming Love - Francine Rivers
15. Bright Young Things - Anna Godbersen


  1. Sarah's Key is SO SO SO good. You will need an entire day/night because you'll have to read it all at once, and about eight boxes of tissues cause that book TUGS at your heartstrings.

  2. Court read it this week and she couldn't really decide how she felt about it...but she does tend to have a heart of stone at times...
