Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Hunger Games

Well...I finished it. And it took me hardly any time at all because, let's be serious, it's one of best books I've ever read. It also helped that I had benchmark testing all day Monday and my only job was to literally sit and watch my kids take a test. All day long. So, clearly, I got a lot of reading done. Honestly though, this book is incredible. One of my friends described it as being the perfect book for a middle schooler - boy or girl - because it has the extreme action and disbelief of teenagers fighting to the death, but there's also a romance. I have to admit that I was completely engrossed in the romance, and I plan to start the catchphrase/clothing line of "Team Peeta" and "Team Gale," since I'm not much of a vampire/Twilight fan and I'm tired of their slogans. I would also like to take this moment to say that I'm Team Peeta all the way.

My heartfelt and serious evaluation of this book is that it's great for several reasons: it sucks you in immediately, it's different from basically anything else out there right now, it appeals to both middle school - and adult - boys AND girls, and it's extremely timely. That last reason is just my own personal opinion, but I have to say that I think it's interesting that this series seems to be a commentary and why you shouldn't have big government...but we'll save the political discussion for Book 3 I suppose. For now, let me just say that you should definitely stop whatever you're doing and right now go find a copy of The Hunger Games. And start reading.

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