Monday, December 6, 2010

Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the time has finally come. I've finished the Percy books. One of my students informed me this morning, after I announced this wonderful news, that there's a whole other Percy series now. Well to that I say, "bah humbug," and I'm taking a break from Olympus. I'm sure I'll read them at some point, but not now. Anyway...I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I got everything I wanted out of this one - oops...minor spoiler. I really enjoyed this book, despite the fact that it's mostly battle scenes. Honestly, I'm typically one of those girls who loves watching battle scenes in movies and miniseries, but not so much reading them. I have a hard time picturing it, I think. I did enjoy these though, and felt like Riordan broke a lot of the action up with plenty of commentary, Percy thoughts, and enough description that you could feel like you know what's going on. There were also plenty of battle sequences in which I had no idea what was going on, but it didn't really matter. I still got the gist, and I think most YA readers would too. I have to be a teeny bit honest and say that there were moments when I felt like things wrapped up a little too easily, leaving semi-cheesy moments - just my own opinion - but it's the fifth book of the series and the poor guy was just trying to come up with some closure so I guess I'll let it slide. All in all: great conclusion, great series, and great characters. I love these characters. I refer to Percy as if he's a real person in my life, and my students get a little weirded out I think. Hey, I'm just modeling what engaged reading looks like.

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