Friday, February 4, 2011


Has anyone ever listened to an audiobook? I've listened to lots of radio dramas, which involves actors for each character and sound effects and essentially has a movie experience without the picture. But I've never listened to a straight audiobook...or at least not recently and not in a way that I really remember. Certainly not for a whole novel. I was exploring in the Reading Center here at school yesterday though and found Sammy and Juliana in Hollywood in audiobook form, and I got really excited and checked it out. I'm a commuter and spend two hours in the car almost every day driving to and from school, so this could be a perfect way to knock some books out quicker than if I was reading them in paper form. I've heard, though, that it can be really boring. Stay tuned, though, and in approximately a week and a half I'll have a review of Sammy and Juliana as well as audiobooks. :)

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