Friday, February 18, 2011


Banyai's books are typically unique in the fact that they are wordless, and rely heavily on messing with your perspective on a situation. Zoom doesn't disappoint, starting with a very zoomed (ha) in drawing of something you're not quite sure what it is. Then with each page, you zoom (ha again) out a little bit more. You keep thinking that you have it all figured out but then there's another page and another and another. Basically, there are a lot of "aha" moments. And a lot of predicting. It's awesome :)

I would say that this book would be great for a million different instructional reasons, but the obvious ones that come to mind are: predicting, perspective, needing to see the whole picture/both sides, etc. etc. But it's flexible enough that you could morph it into lots of different things.

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